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Initiated at the 2018 World Service Conference, Narcotics Anonymous World Services has been working on a project to create a new book for our members: the Spiritual Principle A Day, written by addicts, for addicts. This book plans to explore a spiritual principle for each day of the year, similar to the Just For Today meditation book. An approval draft should be available for the 2022 Conference Agenda Report (CAR).
With direction and oversight from the World Board, the Spiritual Principle A Day workgroup has…
- rolled out 45 spiritual principles with 270 related quotations to date
- processed writing from members from around the world
- developed entries by weaving together members’ writing
- distributed two batches of “Review & Input”
Review & Input gives members of the fellowship to participate in shaping the book. You can read and respond to the current drafts. Batch #2 is available now, and can be found here:
All Batch #2 Drafts and Batch #2 Input Forms.
The Batch #2 of drafts includes a Preface and multiple entries for eight (8) spiritual principles. There are more principles that the project will include, and you have the opportunity to submit your writing for consideration to be included in a batch of drafts! Click on the individual principles listed below to write online using any connected device or download the PDF that lists all of the quotations for this round if you’re hosting a workshop.
Principles & quotations to work on through February 2020:
Authenticity | Awareness | Courage | Freedom | Hospitality
Inclusiveness | Integrity | Patience | Prudence | Self-Acceptance
Quotations on ALL 10 principles for this round
A Writing Template for submissions can be found here: Writing Template.
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